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For products that have a style code that starts with L, this denotes that the product is made of Lycra which is a skin.

For products that have a style code that starts with a P, this denotes that the product is made of Polyester which is .5 mm in thickness.

For products that have a style code that starts with NM, this denotes that the product is made of Neoprene which is 1 mm in thickness

Cloudbreak P333 (Mens)

From $124.00 - $190.00

Mozambique P366 (Womens)

From $76.00 - $87.00

Oahu P356 - Zipper (Unisex)

From $88.00 - $106.00

Cozumel P378 (Unisex)

From $44.00 - $58.00

Bonaire P328 (Unisex)

From $72.00 - $87.00

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